18 Nov

Spammer Go to Hell!!

Ok, aku memang late bloomer di dunia blogging, jadi apa-apa mungkin juga terlambat, termasuk menyadari betapa annoying-nya serbuan spam. Selama ini dua tiga spam memang mampir ke situs ini tiap hari. OK bisa ditolerate, gak pa pa lah luangin waktu sebentar buat membunuhnya. Tapi akhir-akhir ini kok ya semakin menggila, jumlah perhari-nya semakin banyak 20-an perhari naik lagi 40-an perhari dan sampai 70-an perhari. Ampun…

Tadi searching plugin untuk wordpress kayaknya Spam Karma terkenal juga ya. Ya wis donlodlah aku, segera kupasang dan syukurlah semuanya lancar, semua spam langsung kedetect, termasuk spam-spam sebelumnya. Lucunya interface program ini nggak ada formil-formilnya blas. Bahkan berkesan main-main hehehe (liat aja contoh skrinsut-nya dibawah) tapi itu gak masalah, yang penting adalah kemampuan tempurnya! Ada satu yang mengganjal.. Gratis sih gratis, tapi kok lisensinya nggak GPL? Oh well!

Spam Karma Setting

35 thoughts on “Spammer Go to Hell!!

  1. Hi, thanks for using SK2, but I think you got the wrong URL. The one above has nothing to do with Spam Karma. The correct URL is: http://unknowngenius.com/blog/wordpress/spam-karma/


  2. It’s corected now, thank you! and Thank you for your work dude!
    wow, this is the first time i got contacted by the author just after i donload the program. You almost freak me out!
    I guest u don’t understand indonesian, all i say in brief is that i got annoyed by spam lately and install spam karma. the screen shot is about the funy languange u use in your program, and i say it doesn’t matter with the interface, more important is the power of the program.

    thanks! :)

  3. Heh. Well, you know: once installed, the program immediately starts monitoring your activity and reports back to my secret lair…


    And also: your post triggered a Trackback to that post on my blog you linked to, which in turn, sent me an email, which brought me here.

  4. Bud, sejak kapan site blog lo jadi bahasa Inggris gini?

    kayaknya lo mesti Go In(ternational) deh Bud, jadi lo bikin blog lo pake dua bahasa… kalo perlu tiga (Inggris, Indonesia n Jawa)

  5. Someone else below asked this already about antispam scripts.
    I am getting nailed with Spam on my website mails and in our blog website – now its offline too

    much spam. Is there anyway to stop this? If not, there really isn’t any point in leaving it up

    and active. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for help, Keep up the good work. Greetings from Poland

  6. Guys you need to try out SpamKarma2 from Dave, its really good for spam junk, helped me to get rid of it on my Blogs. tested also Akismet but it didnt worked as good as Spamkarma2.

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