24 Nov

AIESEC in Indonesia NatCon 2006

Few days a go I attended AIESEC National Conference 2006. Actually I almost missed this event due to the fact that I have to attend the final night of Blog Competition 2006 as one of the jury. Thanks God, I have wonderful friends at Loenpia.net who fully understand and back me up. Thanks a lot guys!

The Venue
To be brief, the NatCon is held 17-22 Nov 2006 in Pusdiklat Depdiknas, Jakarta. I only attended it until 20 Nov, since I got another thing to do in Jakarta, and the last 2 days is not an obligatory for a short term member like me. Pusdiklat is sooo huge! It’s also beautiful and even has an artificial lake inside it. While the accommodations are very nice (so are the foods! =p~ ), many delegations complain about the distance between housing area and the venue. It’s about 10 minutes walk from each house to the venue… that’s quite a problem, because the schedule is super tight.

venue   venue

The People
They are crazy! :))
It’s nice to meet a lot of new friends. LC University of Diponegoro sent about 40 delegates, but at the conference’s housing, we’re all separated. I had a house mates from University of Indonesia, University of Andalas, University of Brawijaya, and University of Surabaya. So, although we used English in the Conference’s Sessions, we also had mixed language when we back to our house. It’s kinda funny.

src=”http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/boku_baka/aiesec_people_01.jpg” alt=”aiesecer” />   aiesecer

The Sessions
Yeah, it’s already been three days, but I still don’t know how to put words together to describe the sessions in this NatCon. although indeed it is a National Conference, but we had games in most of the session. It’s so much fun than the conventional session. To be short, in that 3 days I had a chance to become a mummy, a dinosaurs’ king, a Japanese tourist, a mouse trap inventor, a native islander etc.. Seriously, Go figure! :p It’s so fun that I even forget everything else while doing it. Sometimes I wonder… what the hell are we just doing? :d And also not to mention… the dance! One thing is sure about AIESECer : they dance, a lot! really a lot! I wonder how many calories I’ve burnt during this NatCon. If this Natcon is one month full, then I must already have six packs abdominal by now. :>

session   session

The Party
Not a single night passed us away without a party. We ended every day with a party and performances. Well, I’m not quite sure if “ended�? is the right words, because we mostly started the party after midnight. Sometime the party is just too crazy, especially the first night. It’s so crazy that I’m worried my blog will be shut down if I put the picture of it. Seriously! :d/ So here’s I put the 2nd night Party instead, titled “Global Village“.

aiesec party   aiesec party

Jazz Goes to Campus
My last night on NatCon, we all went to The 29th Jazz Goes to Campus music festival in University of Indonesia. This is my first Jazz event I’ve been to. I always thought that Jazz is kind of music that I’m not into. Come on, what do you think when you heard of “jazz”? To me is about saxophone, slow music, cigarette, and old people. Well that’s already in the past! The JGTC is awesome! There were two stages, both huge and crowded. My favorite performance was “Fly me to the Moon�? by Syaharani & The Queen Fireworks, it’s one hell of a performance. I like the song, I like the band, I like the performance and I like the atmosphere. Other performers were Tompi, Ruth Sahanaya etc. I don’t remember much, well I’m not a Jazz fan before :)


The show ended up with a beautiful fireworks show, and that’s fireworks was somehow also as an ending to my crazy adventure in this NatCon, because I need to leave the venue tomorrow morning, and get back to real world. Thank you for everything guys, you’re wonderfull. Now, for the last, shall we have a roll call? :p

A whole bunch : AIESEC Delegates from LC Undip

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