Kamen Rider Kabuto
Be Prepared! The Newest Kamen Rider has arrived. Kamen Rider Kabuto is the fifteenth installment (according to its official site) in the Kamen Rider Series. It began aired on 29 January 2006 on TV Asahi. The Rider’s design seems back to its root, beetle! My Favourite modern Kamen Rider is Kamen Rider Faiz (2003) and after that, the series’ quality seems somewhat declining downward spiral. Looking at the first two episodes of Kaboto makes me believe that the down time is going to end, hopefully Kabuto will satisfy tokusatsu hardcore fans like me. Henshin!
You can download the episodes here (via torrent) :
episode 01
episode 02
Anyway, strange things do happen. Kamen Rider Kabuto’s release is also celebrating 35 years, long journey of Kamen Rider tokusatsu show. On it’s official website, all kamen rider is listed and given a little explanation. However, we miss something here. Where the hell is Kamen Rider Jo / Zoe? According to the show’s timeline, it should be listed after Kamen Rider Black Rx, but it’s not there? Why? I don’t have any idea about this, maybe they’re produced by company other than TOEI? Maybe it’s business things? Please tell me.
Kamen Rider Rules!!!!
miyabi..mana miyabi… :mrgreen:
yooo.. what a nice blog…
oot ya?
Bud, Kamen Rider Miyabi ada gak si?
Ternyata pikiran kalian cuma Miyabi yah. Hm… gimana kalau bikin banner support Miyabi?
Hiduup Miyabi!!! UPSS!!!
Hidup Kamen Raida!!!
MYB VS Black RX ?
‘Pedang Mataharinya’ langsung keluar :mrgreen:
biler kah masked rider kabuto god speed love akan kuar yaaaaaaa
Kamen Rider Kabuto Movie THE MAKING – DVD-RIP
they did not show Kamen rider J and Zo because they were only a movie and not an actual series
i think kamen riders roots are from a grasshopper not a beetle.
to Tendo : thanks for the info! I see now. btw Are you Tendo Shouji? :d
to hoohhh : Yup, you’re right. What I meant is they’re back to the original.. you know.. bugs. :-) not hitech (Faiz) or traditional like (Hibiki).
sape de episod 38 ke atas???? tolong kasi download kn!!.. 1-37 org dah tgk… kamen_riders_kabuto
tolong bagi links yg boleh download episod 37 ke atas….
hyper cast off !!
Is there any direct download links of Kabuto and does it have engllish subs.:-?
henshin…cast off..hyper cast off..hyper clock up.. hyper clock over.. hyper kick..
@ leon – try HJU
or TVN (sry for double posting)
punya kamen Rider Kiva nggak..?
Om bud punya desain Jaket kamen riderFaiz ato kiva ga?kirimin ke email w donk klo pnya desainnya, buat dipamerin pas cosplay nie, hehehehe
dipamerin kalo udh jadi,^^
hahahah Kabuto mah udah basi… x6
sekarang kan udah ada KR Ozu
monggo mas di-klik xD