24 Nov

AIESEC in Indonesia NatCon 2006

Few days a go I attended AIESEC National Conference 2006. Actually I almost missed this event due to the fact that I have to attend the final night of Blog Competition 2006 as one of the jury. Thanks God, I have wonderful friends at Loenpia.net who fully understand and back me up. Thanks a lot guys!

The Venue
To be brief, the NatCon is held 17-22 Nov 2006 in Pusdiklat Depdiknas, Jakarta. I only attended it until 20 Nov, since I got another thing to do in Jakarta, and the last 2 days is not an obligatory for a short term member like me. Pusdiklat is sooo huge! It’s also beautiful and even has an artificial lake inside it. While the accommodations are very nice (so are the foods! =p~ ), many delegations complain about the distance between housing area and the venue. It’s about 10 minutes walk from each house to the venue… that’s quite a problem, because the schedule is super tight.

venue   venue

The People
They are crazy! :))
It’s nice to meet a lot of new friends. LC University of Diponegoro sent about 40 delegates, but at the conference’s housing, we’re all separated. I had a house mates from University of Indonesia, University of Andalas, University of Brawijaya, and University of Surabaya. So, although we used English in the Conference’s Sessions, we also had mixed language when we back to our house. It’s kinda funny.

src=”http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/boku_baka/aiesec_people_01.jpg” alt=”aiesecer” />   aiesecer

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21 Nov

Everybody into Miyabi

miyabi t-shirt

Everyone has their own favorites and this dude that I met recently, admit it proudly. All right, now all we need is a fan’s club and miss Miyabi will officially be a diva. Well, she is a… Wait!!! Do I really need to explain? If by this time you don’t know who Miyabi is, then probably you don’t deserve to know! [-x

Please give a comment bellow to order a Miyabi T-shirt! :d
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15 Nov

Goin’ Mangrove with Loenpia

Tas ransel? check. baju ganti? check. air minum? check. sendal jepit? check. caping? check. and last but not least, semangat? check. OK, semuanya siap! Segera aku meluncur bersama Dendi dan Adam menuju objek wisata Taman Lele untuk rendevouz dengan tukang loenpia yang lain. Ya, hari ini ada kegiatan bersama teman-teman Loenpia. Bapedal Semarang bekerja sama dengan Nelayan setempat mengadakan acara penanaman bakau (mangrove) di pantai utara jawa. Loenpia.net sendiri dalam acara ini ikut nimbrung karena informasi salah satu tukang loenpia, Adi yang ikut aktif dalam acara tersebut.

Waktu menunjukkan sekitar 7.30 ketika akhirnya teman-teman sudah terkumpul semua. Oh iya, kita kedatangan dua teman dari Belanda, Ellen dan Jessica yang ikut serta dalam acara ini. Perjalanan dilanjutkan ke arah utara, ke arah laut jawa dengan kondisi jalan yang semakin jelek saja. Kemudian sampai pada titik kendaraaan tidak bisa digunakan lagi, kami meneruskan perjalanan dengan jalan kaki… sampai di jemput oleh perahu yang membawa kita ke pantai. Nah, sampai di sini suasananya mulai terasa lain, berperahu menyusuri sungai kecil dipayungi oleh kanopi pohon bakau. Pokoknya serasa syuting acara jejak petualang itu lho :d, cuma sayangnya sungainya lumayan kotor, banyak sampahnya 8-| Setelah sekitar 15 menit berperahu, tampaklah di depan mata tujuan kita, Pulau Tirang. Pulau ini terletak di daerah Tapak Tugurejo. Karena pengaruh Abrasi ombak laut, dikhawatirkan pulau ini akan tenggelam dalam waktu dekat ini. Nah untuk mencegahnya maka ditanamlah ribuan bibit bakau di sekeliling Pulau Tiram tsb.

perahu berangkat
Berangkat : Jejak Petualang… eh bukan, jejak blogger ding.

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13 Nov

di mataku kala gelap, di kulitku kala dingin, di hatiku kala sunyi (Hujan)

Petir yang mulai meyambar semenjak sore sudah cukup meyakinkan aku bahwa malam ini pastilah hujan! bukan hujan biasa, bukan sekedar hujan iprit-iprit yang sepertinya cuma ngece kepada petani dan saudara-saudara lain yang membutuhkannya. Hujan ini hujan serius, hujan sebagaimana layaknya hujan. Hujan yang aku dan kamu nantikan.

Hampir jam 7 malam, belum hujan sih, tapi aku sudah menyambar kunci motor adikku dan segera melesat meninggalkan rumah. Tunggu, kenapa kunci motor milik adikku? Ya itu tadi, mau hujan gitu loh, biarlah yang kehujanan motornya dia yang kebetulan memang sudah kotor duluan. :p mumpung orangnya sedang lengah, sibuk membantai orc dan sejenisnya dalam Warcraft DotA. Ya ini memang perjalanan mencari hujan, menanti dan kemudian merasakannnya. Kulewati jalan Abdul Rahman Saleh, Pamularsih, Suyudono… belum juga hujan, sampai aku teringat.. ah, lupa bawa kantung plastik.. dompet dan hape bisa hancur kehujanan nanti. Mampirlah aku ke Indojanuari (saya tuliskan demikian untuk menghindari unsur spam, silahkan ganti januari dengan nama bulan lain sehingga keseluruhan kata tsb menjadi sebuah nama toko waralaba), membeli colat sebatang dengan motivasi utama mendapatan kantong plastiknya, walau terhadap coklatnyapun aku tetap nafsu juga (tentu saja!)

Oke, kantong plastik dapet, tapi mana hujannya? Untunglah ketika aku meninggalkan kasir, hujan yang dirindu itu turun juga, tumpah ruah ke bumi ini seakan dia juga rindu pada kita. Ketika pengunjung yang lain menggerutu keras, “Yah, Hujan!”, “Waduh Hujaan!” maka aku bersorak “Yesss.. Hujan!” untungnya cuma dalam hati. :d Selain aku, ternyata mbak penjaga kasir juga tesenyum, mungkin dia juga suka hujan, atau mungkin juga karena karena tulisan besar itu, yang ditempel di meja kasir dan berbunyi “Gratis 1 Kg gula pasir apabila anda tidak mendapat senyum dari petugas kami“. Entahlah, yang jelas sekarang baru perjalanan sesungguhnya dimulai. Sudah lama aku tidak kehujanan malam-malam naik motor. Jadilah perjalanan pengobat rindu ini mulai bergulir, seiring guliran roda motor (adik)ku melewati Tugu Muda, Imam Bonjol, Johar, Kota Lama, Stasiun Tawang, Jurnatan, Dr. Cipto, Peterongan, Sriwijaya, Veteran, Kaligarang, Pamularsih dan sampai akhirnya kembali ke arah Abdul Rahman Saleh. Jalanan begitu sepi, begitu gelap, begitu dingin, padamnya aliran listrik di sebagian besar daerah yang aku lewati seolah-olah ikut memberikan dukungannya pada malam tadi. Namun entah kenapa di tengah semua kesunyian itu, hati ini malah ramai. Mata ini bahkan sering terlena, mungkin juga karena air hujan yang memburamkan mata, tapi untunglah tetes-tetes air hujan yang keras menusuk kulit terus menyuntikan hawa kesadaran. Tiap ruas jalan serasa berbeda, serasa indah.. atau lebih tepatnya damai.
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10 Nov

There’s a will, There’s a way

…or so what I heard.
Because you know, there a time when the mountain you should get through is extremely high, it’s so high that you’ll start to doubt whether it has a peak or it’s just a mere plain illusion. But fear not, because everything we had in our way, every single obstacle we face, every single pain we endure, will only make us stronger. Like in the law of ToukaKouka in alchemy, they’ll give us something in return, something so valuable that will make us smile, even if we die trying.
sweet eh? :)
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04 Nov

Lost in Found

Fiuhh…. #:-s I’m pretty worn out this week. There are so many things to do, and it just drove me nuts, and not to mention a long-running project that I had to deliver this week. Claiming to be busy for an unemployed, quite strange huh? :) Thankfully, the swiftness is getting to low now and peace finally comes again so that I can fill in some stupid words in this blog, as usual.

Lost In Found
When it comes to music (and most of other interests), I think have a flavor of my own. It’s uncommon and of course, it’s rare. Well, it’s sooooo rare that even nobody around me know what I’m talking about. I’m all fine with that, the least it is known, the better it is. Here’s another band that I know not so long ago. It’s called “Lost in Found�?. Google them, and you practically won’t find anything about them. The only place I had decent information about them is at Ken’s blog at JapanLive. Lost in Found is an indie band from Japan, eventhouh all their songs are in english and not all of their member are japanese. Lost in Found are Mike Matuszak, Mineko Yokoyama, Makiko Kusakabe, Tetsu Saito, and Yukiko Hamada. It’s a great band! with a sheer spirit like you always see in an indie band. Sadly they’re already disband, but their name is still used as an Indie record label.

lost in found

Do Yourself a Big Favor!
If my description is too short and not convincing enough, then let’s the music do the talking, go to their music page, download their sample songs and take the load off. I recommend Bogus Illusion for a starter. It’s a remarkable song. You’ll feel that the world is beautiful again, that everything is all right, that being hurt is not a big deal. At least I’m feeling that way. Yeah I know, even though the lyrics is not about cheering at all. :)

Wait, There’s more!
In their Myspace page, there are three other songs available on audio streaming. Anyone knows how to download ‘em? Please tell me how, because listening directly from Myspace is really-really doing serious damage to both my bandwith and may hair ~X( Btw, and don’t hesitate about my love to them. If somehow miracle happen and their song officially available here then I’ll be the first among the fans who camp outside the music store on the launching night. :)