10 Nov

There’s a will, There’s a way

…or so what I heard.
Because you know, there a time when the mountain you should get through is extremely high, it’s so high that you’ll start to doubt whether it has a peak or it’s just a mere plain illusion. But fear not, because everything we had in our way, every single obstacle we face, every single pain we endure, will only make us stronger. Like in the law of ToukaKouka in alchemy, they’ll give us something in return, something so valuable that will make us smile, even if we die trying.
sweet eh? :)

screw dat

7 thoughts on “There’s a will, There’s a way

  1. sikat ae Bud..
    portofolio’ne ojo lali
    ehh.. opo hubungane karo “will”… zzzz…!!!
    **Bud, gambare kok sirahe pepeng kabeh yo ? :D**

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