30 Nov

Just Smile!

Smile! Have a really big smile everyday! No matter who are you, what are you, what you’ve done in the past, and of course…



…where ever you are now. Because life is meant to be celebrated. And something good is waiting…
Waiting for YOU to come and pick it up! :)

p.s : pics were taken from a toilet in Mega Plaza. Kuningan, Jakarta

7 thoughts on “Just Smile!

  1. Bulan pertama serasa di surga
    bulan kedua berasa di awan…
    bulan ketiga mendarat ditanah
    bulan keempat “koq ngene yo rasane”
    bulan kelima ADAPTASI
    bulan keenam ADAPTASI lagi..
    bulan ketujuh asss mbuhh…

    tapi nek bisa blub blub blub terus ya gapapa dink
    *lost pokus, semoga gag curcol..

    -dibalang watu

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